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Prof. Dr. Mikolaj Knaflewski (EN)

World-recognized expert in biology and asparagus cultivation

He graduated from the Faculty of Horticulture of the Poznan University of Life Sciences in 1966. His master’s thesis was done in the field of plant physiology. After completing his annual intership at the Dept. of Genetics and Breeding of Horticultural Crops he worked in the Dept. of Vegetable Crops from 1967 to 2013. In 1975 he obtained PhD degree on the basis of the dissertation on water requirements and irrigation of french beans, and in 1987, the degree of doctor habilitated, presenting a dissertation on the influence of growing factors on the yield and quality of asparagus one year old crowns. He was appointed an extraordinary professor at the university in1991. In 1995, he was named professor by the President of Poland and in 2002 he was appointed an ordinary professor at the University. He retired by 2013. In the years 1990-1993 he was Deputy Dean for Science and in 1996-2002 Dean of the Faculty of Horticulture. In the years 1994-2009 he was the head of the Dept. of Vegetable Crops of the Poznan University of Life Sciences.

His research comprised field vegetable cultivation, including water requirements and irrigation,  crop management, yielding models and timing production, cultivar evaluation as well as some aspects of  vegetable growing for processing. For nearly 50 years he carried on and coordinated comprehensive research on asparagus, including cooperation with foreign institutions.

In total, he published more than 400 works, including a considerable part in international journals. He has taken longer internships in universities in Germany and the Netherlands and shorter visits to many countries in the world. He took part in numerous international symposiums and congresses. He lectured on international vegetable growing courses in Wageningen (Netherlands) and Beijing, Humboldt University in Berlin as well as the Human College of Agriculture (Ukraine). He is the supervisor of 9 completed Ph.D. theses. Under his supervision, more than 130 students have completed their master thesis.

He is a member of the Polish Society for Horticultural Science from its founding in 1987 and a Honorary Member of the society. He was a member of the Board of Directors and President of the Poznan branch of the Society. He was a member of the International Society for Horticultural Science in 1974 - 2017, including the working groups “Asparagus” and “Timing Field Vegetable Production”. In the years 2001-2005 he was the vice chairman of the working group “Asparagus”, and in 2005-2009 he was its chairman. He was a member of the Committee of Horticultural Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2003-2015 being vice chairman of the Committee and chairman of its section “Vegetable crops”. He is also a founding member and Honorary Member of the Polish Association of Asparagus Growers. Together with this Association he organized 20 international asparagus conferences.

He was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, the Gold and Silver Cross of Merit and the Medal of the National Education Commission. He was awarded by the Minister of Higher Education for his habilitation and co-authored the Botanical Dictionary. He was also awarded Qiangjiang Friendship Award for foreign experts by the Municipal Government of Hangzhou, China.

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