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Organic waste as valuable input for a closed-loop process to produce crops

Greenhouse horticulture is the ideal sector to convert local organic waste into food. THE difference with other sectors is that horticulture needs CO2 to stimulate plant growth, while other industries emit CO2. There is a big opportunity for the greenhouse sector to obtain local organic waste, and put this into use with good businesses advantage. However: greenhouses have poor energy performance and a high carbon footprint. The waste problem, clean water shortages, the lack of fertile lands, the pollution that is part of agriculture, and global warming, etc. makes it necessary and more profitable to close material cycles locally.

We supply Food2Waste2Food installations: integrated waste equipment with an integrated greenhouse that enables zero carbon footprints for food production. For a detailed scientific description of the Food2Waste2Food system, click on read more…

For a detailed scientific description of the Food2Waste2Food system, click on read more…